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HUNGARIAN Elite Tour & Pro Show
16. októbra 2020-17. októbra 2020
Čestné prehlásenie
1. During the preparations of this competition, which is organized by the Hungarian Natural Bodybuilding Association (Balázsi S.E. H- 2800 Tatabánya, Mártírok u.44/a) I used only natural nutrition and food supplements. I did not use prohibited medicines, such as anabolic steroides, hormones, diuretics, or other illegal doping accordance with blacklist of WADA (WADA www.wada ama.org). I agree that I will be tested according to the doping control rules with the applicable legal regulations in Hungary.
2. I agree that in the case of positive test I will be disqualified from the contest, and lose the right to qualifiy on the future contests, held by the organization (INBA) and I submit myself compensation according to the legal system of Republic of Hungary. I agree that in the case of positive test, I liable to refund all the costs coupled to the tests in 30 days according to the test price list of the Hungarian Antidoping Agency (www.antidoping.hu). from the day of „A” sample or from the day of positive „B” sample. If „B” sample is applying by myself.
3. The competitor sates that with the application for the contest, that He/she is in good physical condition, prepared to the competition, his/her health condition is checked regularly, And He/she is not unware of health problems that obstruct him/her in the competition.
4. I am taking the note of the all photos, video recordings dispose (ordered) by the organizer. All the photos, video recordings are under copyright laws, using them is subject to authorization. The organizer should be notified about Photographer at the place of the contest.
5. I agrree with the terms and conditions above.